6 Surprising Health Benefits of Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender oil has plenty of health benefits. This oil is widely used in the medicine and skincare industry because of its anti-inflammatory, antifungal, stress-relieving, antiseptic, and antibacterial properties. But how exactly can lavender essential oil improve your health?

Below are 6 health benefits of lavender essential oil that may surprise you. 

1. Help ease pain

Lavender oil can be used to ease different types of pain. It can help you relieve back pain, muscle soreness, and joint ache. You need to dilute the lavender essential oil and apply it to the painful area of your body. This is a great natural way to deal with pain and improve your overall wellbeing. Aromatherapy with lavender essential oil can also help calm your nervous system and reduce the feeling of pain. 

2. Soothe skin

Lavender oil has great anti-inflammatory properties that can help soothe your skin. It is often used to treat flares of inflammatory skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis. When applied topically, lavender oil can lessen acne, help lighten skin, and reduce wrinkles. This is why it is often used in skincare products. It can also be used as a natural alternative for the treatment of insect bites. 

Be sure to mix lavender oil with water or carrier oil before applying. Concentrated essential oils can irritate your skin or trigger an allergic reaction. 

3. Improve the quality of sleep

A healthy sleeping regime is the foundation of a healthy lifestyle. No matter how healthy your diet is, you will be exhausted every time you spend all night tossing and turning in your bed. If you have difficulty falling or staying asleep, aromatherapy with lavender essential oil may help solve this issue. Inhaling lavender oil before bedtime can increase your likelihood of deep sleep time and help you fall asleep faster. 

Both men and women can use lavender oil to improve the quality of sleep. 

4. Prevent hair loss

Hair loss is a common problem for both men and women. If you experience mild hair loss, include lavender oil in your hair care routine. When applied topically to the skin, lavender oil stimulates hair growth and improves follicles’ depth and thickness. You need to mix lavender oil with a carrier oil (coconut oil, jojoba oil, or grapeseed oil) and apply it to your scalp several times a week. Be sure to stop using lavender oil if you feel discomfort or have an allergic reaction. 

5. Reduce stress

In addition to better sleep, lavender essential oil can reduce your levels of stress. It has a soothing effect on your central nervous system and promotes general relaxation. Some people use lavender oil as a complementary treatment for mental health conditions like anxiety and depression. 

For relaxation, you can put several drops of lavender oil in your aroma lamp. Bathing in water with lavender oil is another great way to relax your mind and body. 

6. Fight fungal infections

Fungal infections are more common than you might think. You can get them walking barefoot in the gym or trying on shoes in the shoe store without socks. Besides, fungal infections can develop because of poor hygiene and often affect people whose feet sweat excessively.  The essential oil has great antimicrobial and antifungal properties. It can help you deal with health issues like athlete's foot and ringworm.

However, lavender oil can damage sensitive tissues and mucous membranes of your body. Avoid applying lavender oil on your vagina or mouth. But you can safely use this oil to deal with foot fungus. Mix lavender oil with water and apply it on clean skin affected by fungus. 
