7 Common Gynecological Myths That You Shouldn’t Believe In


There is a lot of misinformation regarding what happens in the female body. A lot of myths that you can find on the internet or hear from friends can have an impact on your overall health. That's why you need to see your gynecologist in the case of any symptoms since only a doctor can explain all of your concerns. In this article, we have gathered seven common gynecological myths that you shouldn’t believe in 

1. Severe pain before and during periods is normal

Although some minor discomfort is to be expected before and during periods, the pain should not be incapacitating. If your pain is severe, even if it responds to NSAIDs, make an appointment with your gynecologist to define if you have additional sources of pain, such as endometriosis or fibroids. For example, fibroid removal may help get rid of severe pain and heavy blood flow during periods.

2. Birth control pills cause infertility

When it comes to preventing pregnancy, birth control is a lifesaver, but what happens when you stop using it? Many women believe that years of use will make it more difficult or even impossible for them to have children in the future. But if you quit using birth control, you can become pregnant just as quickly as if you hadn't been on it. It's possible that the trouble stems from growing older and approaching menopause rather than the pill itself.

3. Yogurt can help you treat east infection

Indeed, eating yogurt (especially, without sweeteners) can be beneficial to your health since it contains probiotics and calcium. But many people believe that you need to insert a yogurt-covered tampon into the vagina to treat yeast infection. This is because the strain in yogurt isn't the same as the strain that maintains your vaginal health.

4. Female infertility is always curable

Indeed, most infertile couples will become pregnant at some point. However, “most” doesn’t imply “all”. Some people have difficulties that aren't fixable, while others have problems that aren't even understandable. Even with treatment, not everyone can become pregnant. Infertile couples should not blame themselves or believe they aren't trying hard enough. Unfortunately, not all cases of infertility can be successfully cured.

5. Pregnancy can cure endometriosis

Endometriosis is not cured by pregnancy. During pregnancy, some women see improvements in their symptoms, while others don’t, and still, others may have worse symptoms. Endometriosis has no known cure. Hormone levels do, however, alter throughout pregnancy. Because of the differences in hormones, people may experience various levels of discomfort after having a kid. Pregnancy does not appear to benefit women with endometriosis, according to research. Moreover, scientists point out that although some endometriosis lesions shrink, others remain stable or grow.

6. If you have missed periods - you are pregnant

Isn't missing your period a sure sign you're pregnant? No. While this is one of the most well-known cases, there are many more reasons why periods don't always appear. High levels of stress, severe exercise, or significant weight loss can all contribute to irregular or missing periods. Hormonal imbalance and certain gynecological diseases can also affect your menstrual cycle and make your periods late. 

7. IUDs are dangerous

Intrauterine devices (a small devices placed in the uterus to prevent pregnancy) have a negative reputation. Modern IUDs are one of the safest and most effective forms of temporary birth control available. There are two types of IUDs, copper and hormonal. Copper IUDs kill the sperm while hormonal IUDs suppress ovulation. IUDs that contain progesterone, such as the Mirena, can actually reduce discomfort and bleeding during periods.
