7 Effective Tips on How to Cope With Anxiety


Anxiety is the body's natural reaction to stress. It's typically accompanied by fear or worry about what's to come. You can be nervous before public speaking, relocating, or attending a job interview. 

Even though anxiety is a common feeling, there are moments in life when it feels overwhelming. If your anxiety lasts more than six months, has no obvious source, and interferes with your everyday life, you may have an anxiety disorder. Here is a list of seven effective tips on how to cope with anxiety.

1. Get enough sleep

One of the numerous strategies to manage anxiety is to get adequate sleep. But it's not just about how much sleep you get, t's also about the quality of your sleep. It is recommended to get at least 8 hours of sleep each night. If you're having trouble sleeping, consider the following suggestions:

  • Make a schedule and stick to it

  • Ensure that your bedroom is clutter-free and that your bed is comfy

  • At least one hour before bedtime, avoid gazing at phones or computer screens 

  • Maintain a cool indoor temperature

You can also try aromatherapy and drink herbal teas before going to bed.

2. Concentrate on your breathing

If you feel anxious, try to breathe calmly. Concentrating on your breathing can help you relax. It is recommended to use the 4-7-8 method, which is inhaling for 4 seconds, holding your breath for 7, and exhaling for 8. It's simpler to disregard any negative ideas that try to infiltrate your subconscious mind if you concentrate on your breathing.

3. Be more physically active

Exercise can help alleviate anxiety in two different ways. It lowers stress hormone levels in the body and directs your attention to the goal of exercising, which can help you avoid discursive concerns.

Indeed, exercise is less helpful than typical anxiety therapies like medicine or talking therapy, especially if used alone. But exercise in combination with these therapies, on the other hand, is more beneficial than the aforementioned treatments alone.

4. Concentrate on the current moment

Many people are concerned about their future prospects. People are wondering if they will get promoted or receive a grant. They are afraid of what will happen next because they can’t know their future for sure. With the help of meditation or systematic relaxation, you can put your thoughts on hold so you can concentrate on the present moment.

5. Consult your doctor

If anxiety is interfering with your quality of life, a doctor can help you get back on track. There are various steps you can take to reclaim a life free of anxiety, whether they recommend you to visit a therapist or prescribe medicine.

6. Stop procrastinating

People who suffer from anxiety may be prone to deferring critical jobs or undertakings in order to minimize stress. Procrastination, on the other hand, frequently leads to a last-minute rush to accomplish chores before a deadline. This adds to the tension and worry. This kind of stress can lead to a variety of stress-related health issues. Talking treatments that focus on stress management and emotional regulation may help those who procrastinate.

7. Avoid caffeine

Caffeine-containing foods and drinks might send your anxiousness into overdrive. So it is better to make an effort to restrict or avoid them at all. There's more to it than simply coffee and soda. Chocolates, teas, weight-loss tablets, and even headache medications include caffeine

People who find a link between caffeine use and anxiety should consider eliminating caffeine from their diet. To avoid coffee withdrawal, you should reduce it gently. Withdrawal might produce physical symptoms that are comparable to anxiety.
