7 Facts About Back Pain That You Should Know About

Back pain is something that almost everyone has encountered at some time in their life. Some people seem to heal rapidly, while others appear to have long-term symptoms that can be severe and negatively impact their quality of life. Unhelpful ideas about the ailment itself, which can occasionally be spread by social media, ill-informed people, or questionable online sources, are one of the biggest causes of delayed healing from back pain. In this article, we have gathered seven facts about back pain that you should know about.

1. Back pain is a leading cause of disability

Lower back pain is the major cause of disability for people all over the world, according to the Global Burden of Disease report. If left untreated or treated in an ineffective manner, several of these problems may become permanent. Even in those under 45 years old, degenerative disk disease is the most common cause of disability caused by back pain.

2. Bed rest is not always needed for back pain recovery

According to scientific research, extended rest and abstinence of exercise for patients with back pain leads to increased pain, impairment, worse rehabilitation, and a long time away from work. Avoiding aggravating activities during the first few days of a new bout of low back pain may assist to relieve discomfort. 

However, being as active as possible and gradually returning to all normal activities – including working if feasible – is crucial to assisting recovery. While it is typical to move more slowly and differently in the initial few days after experiencing back pain, this changed mobility can be harmful if it is maintained over time.

3. Back pain is not always caused by tissue injury

Tissue recovery takes three months if you have a back injury. If the discomfort lasts longer than this, it's typically a sign that there are other causes at play. Many cases of back discomfort start with no injury or with ordinary motions. Stress, tension, weariness, inactivity, or unusual activity can all cause the back to become sensitive to movement.

4. The source of back pain is rarely identified by scans

Scans are only beneficial to a small percentage of the population. Disc bulges, degeneration, protrusions, arthritis, herniated discs, and other frightening-sounding things are all reported on scans. Unfortunately, these scans do not state that similar findings are typical in persons who don’t have back pain and that they do not indicate how much pain you will have or how incapacitated you will be.

5. Physical activity can improve and prevent back pain

Exercise has been proven to be extremely beneficial in the treatment of back pain, as well as the most effective technique for preventing recurring occurrences. Start carefully and gradually increase the quantity and intensity of what you do. Don't worry if it hurts at first, you won't hurt your back with proper exercises.

There is no evidence that one sort of exercise is more helpful than another, so choose an activity that you love, can afford to sustain in the long run, and fits into your daily routine. However, it is recommended to exercise at least 3-4 times a week.

6. Pain medications can’t cure back pain

Strong pain medications, such as opioids, aren't particularly useful in the long run for chronic back pain. They have hazards and may have unfavorable side effects. The objective is to find low-risk techniques to put you in control of your discomfort.

7. Surgery is not always helpful

There are a few rare back diseases that cause pressure on the nerves that feed the legs, resulting in leg symptoms including pain, pins, and needles, or numbness. Surgery can assist with leg issues in certain cases, but it's crucial to remember that it's not always necessary.

You should also be aware that, on average, the results of back surgery aren't always better than non-surgical therapies such as exercise. As a result, a non-surgical approach involving exercise and activity should always be considered first.
