8 Warning Symptoms of Vaginal Atrophy You Cannot Ignore


After the age of 50, you need to be more attentive about your vaginal health. You become closer to menopause that also puts you at risk of vaginal atrophy. With this condition, the walls of your vagina become thinner and drier because of low estrogen levels. This can result in a variety of unpleasant symptoms that women tend to ignore rather than treat. However, medications and lifestyle changes can help you relieve discomfort and improve your quality of life.

Below are 8 symptoms of vaginal atrophy that indicate you need to visit the gynecologist. 

1. Pain during sex

There are several reasons why vaginal atrophy causes pain during sex. First, vaginal atrophy is associated with low levels of estrogen. Estrogen ensures the proper lubrication of your vagina. But when the levels of estrogen decrease, the vagina becomes dry so friction during sex may cause discomfort. Second, because of vaginal atrophy, your vagina shortens and narrows. This can make sex uncomfortable and even painful. 

2. Vaginal dryness

Dryness associated with vaginal atrophy may cause discomfort not only during sexual intercourse. Regardless of your sexual activity, your levels of hormones maintaining vaginal health start to decrease gradually after the age of 40. The blood flow to the pelvic region decreases and muscles become weaker. This can leave the vagina dry and tender. 

3. Unusual vaginal discharges

Vaginal atrophy can cause changes in your vaginal PH and bacterial levels. This often leads to unusual vaginal discharges and foul odor. The discharges from your vagina may become yellowish or greyish and more watery. However, vaginal atrophy isn’t the only cause of unusual discharges. Other causes include sexually transmitted diseases and bacterial vaginosis. Be sure to consult your gynecologist to rule out the risk of STD and bacterial vaginosis. 

4. Recurrent urinary tract infections

Estrogen helps maintain vaginal health and a healthy bacterial environment in your vagina. But when estrogen decreases, the levels of bad bacteria in your vagina may raise significantly. Weakened vaginal health makes it easier for bacteria and yeasts to enter your urinary tract and cause infections.

5.  Poor bladder control

Your vagina isn’t the only organ that suffers from estrogen loss. Because of low estrogen levels, the muscles in your pelvic region, including the bladder, decrease. This makes it harder to hold the urgency to empty your bladder. You may experience light urine discharges when coughing, sneezing, laughing, or exercising. 

6. Itchiness in the vagina

Just like face or hand skin dryness, vaginal dryness can cause itching or burning sensations in your vagina. Estrogen loss causes your vaginal tissues to become thin and more sensitive. This makes vaginal tissue more prone to irritation. Tight clothing and personal-care products with fragrances or other aggressive chemicals can irritate your vagina and cause discomfort during the day. If burning and itching persist more that week, be sure to consult your gynecologist.

7. Vaginal discomfort when you are active

Most women with vaginal atrophy experience pain with daily activities. Simple activities like bike riding, running, or jogging can cause high levels of discomfort down there. But everything that causes vaginal tissue pulling can give you discomfort. If it decreases the quality of your life, be sure to consult your gynecologist. The doctor may prescribe you medications or topical remedies that relieve vaginal dryness and related discomfort. 

8. Difficulty reaching orgasm

Vaginal atrophy often decreases the blood flow to the pelvic region. The reduced blood flow to your clitoris often means difficulty reaching orgasm. Fortunately, with the right treatment option, you can solve this issue. Be sure to discuss this issue during the next appointment with your gynecologist. 
