8 Warning Symptoms That Women Shouldn’t Ignore


All of us experience unexplained symptoms from time to time. While some of them don’t indicate anything serious, others can signal serious diseases. Knowing these symptoms can help you seek timely medical help. 

Below are 8 warning symptoms that you should pay attention to if you want to ensure overall well-being. 

1. Abnormal menstrual bleeding

Stress, weight loss, and excessive exercise are all factors that might affect your menstrual cycle and cause abnormal menstrual bleeding. If your periods are heavier than usual and you have irregular bleeding, you should visit a gynecologist for a pelvic exam.

If you have abnormal or irregular bleeding, it is important to get it examined because there might be an underlying disease that has to be treated. Aside from feeling discomfort, severe bleeding can lead to anemia or indicate fibroids, polyps, womb, or cervical cancer.

2. Abnormal vaginal discharge

All women experience vaginal discharge, which is necessary to keep the vagina moist and clean. Healthy discharges should have no unpleasant odor. The consistency should be clear or white. The fluctuations of the volume and consistency of your discharges may also differ during your menstrual cycle.

Talk to your doctor if you have an unusual discharge. This might indicate infections like thrush, or STDs such as gonorrhea or chlamydia. If these STDs aren’t treated, they can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), which can cause reproductive organ damage and, in some cases, infertility.

3. Breast changes

Examining your breasts regularly is crucial to detect breast cancer. Breast tumors are the most common type of cancer diagnosed in women in the world. For this reason, every woman should inspect her breasts at least once a month.

The most visible (and common) sign of breast cancer is a lump in the breast. Other breast changes that may indicate breast cancer include changes in breast size, swelling in armprint, nipples discharge, or rash. If you have any of these symptoms, make being examined by your doctor a priority. 

4. Persistent fatigue

Occasional fatigue is pretty common. But if you feel extremely fatigued regularly, your body may be attempting to warn you that something is wrong. Your exhaustion might be caused by a variety of factors. Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms of hypothyroidism, an autoimmune condition that primarily affects women. 

Tiredness, feeling chilly, loss of focus, sadness, dry skin, brittle nails, constipation, weight gain, low heart rate, and muscle weakness are all signs of the disease. Consult your doctor if you experience any of these symptoms or if they interfere with your normal life.

5. Chest pain or discomfort

If you feel discomfort or pain in your chest, it might be a sign of a serious problem. If the pain appears suddenly and doesn't go away, it might indicate a heart attack. Chest pain or discomfort, shortness of breath, tiredness, or pain in your arms, back, jaw, and neck are typical symptoms of a heart attack. You may also experience pressure and tightness in your chest. 

Even though coronary heart disease (CHD) is the leading cause of death in women globally, women are more prone to ignore symptoms. For this reason, if you experience the symptoms mentioned above, you should contact your doctor as soon as possible. 

6. Pelvic pain

Pelvic pain is common. One in every six women suffers from persistent pelvic pain. Ovulation, endometriosis, urinary tract infection (UTI), or PID are all common causes of pelvic pain. Pelvic discomfort during pregnancy can be caused by an ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, or early labor. 

Ovarian cysts, IBS, constipation, appendicitis, inflammatory bowel illnesses, and ovarian cancer are some of the other reasons. Consult a doctor if you experience sudden, severe, or long-term pelvic pain.

7. Bloating

Occasional bloating usually doesn’t indicate serious health problems but you need to remember that bloating can be the first subtle sign of ovarian cancer. Despite being one of the most prevalent gynecological tumors, ovarian cancer is frequently identified at a late stage because of misunderstanding and ignoring the symptoms.

The symptoms of ovarian cancer to watch for include abdominal pain, lower back pain, appetite loss, and increased urinary urgency. You might also experience significant weight loss and changes in your bowel habits. 

8. Severe headaches

The most common symptom of a migraine is a severe headache on one side of the head. Women suffer from migraines three times more frequently than men. Many women experience severe headaches at the same time each month because of estrogen fluctuations related to the menstrual cycle. 

Other migraine symptoms include nausea, vision problems, and heightened sensitivity to light. You may also experience sweating, diarrhea, and difficulty concentrating. In severe situations, your neurological system may be impacted, causing difficulty speaking or disorientation. It's critical to undergo a physical examination to rule out the risk of other serious health problems, including a tumor.
