Top 8 Foods and Drinks That Can Help Keep Your Gums Healthy


While you may believe that oral health is just concerned with the mouth, this is not completely true. The health of your teeth and gums has an impact on the rest of your body. As a result, it is critical to do all possible to preserve your dental health, just as you do your entire health.

One of the most important aspects of having healthy gums is avoiding gum disease - or managing gum disease at the dental office and at home if you have already been diagnosed with it. Here is a list of the top eight foods and drinks that can help keep your gums healthy.

1. Ginger

When researching how to get healthy gums, you might not have considered this food, but ginger root is considered a healing herb. Its anti-inflammatory properties promote healthy tissue in your mouth, and it’s one of the good herbs for gum disease prevention.

2. Leafy greens

The vitamins and minerals in vegetables like kale and spinach are good for you. They include vitamin C, which increases the synthesis of red blood cells while decreasing inflammation. Both of these advantages contribute to the defense of your gums against inflammation and gum disease. 

Because of their high fiber content, leafy greens necessitate greater chewing, which produces more saliva. By eating wisely, you may flush away food particles, bacteria, and dental plaque that may be stuck to your teeth along the gum line.

3. Fatty fish

Fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, and others are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which help minimize gum swelling and inflammation. They are also an excellent source of protein, which is required for the repair of damaged tissue. Vitamins A and D, found in oily fish and salmon, serve to protect the gums from infection and stimulate calcium absorption and bone formation.

4. Nuts and seeds

Some nuts and seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. These include sesame seeds, macadamia nuts, and pistachios. Omega-3 fatty acids are important for a well-balanced, nutrient-dense diet. Omega-3 fatty acids are beneficial because they are anti-inflammatory, but they also have an inverse association with gum disease. These nuts are high in nutrients as well.

5. Kiwis

Most fruits include Vitamin C, which is essential for gum tissue health, but kiwis have the highest concentration. Your gums become brittle, less resistant to the germs that cause periodontal disease, and tear down the collagen in your gums if you don't get enough vitamin C.

6. Cacao

Cacao is rich in disease-fighting catechins, which aid in the prevention of gum disease. Cacao is beneficial to your teeth in general since it prevents cavities, plaque, and tooth decay. Cacao compounds are more effective than fluoride at preventing tooth decay. Cacao also includes CBH, a chemical that hardens your enamel.

To consume cacao that is both healthy and low in sugar, choose raw chocolate that has 70% or more cacao. Look for reduced sugar content as well. Cacao and cocoa are processed differently. Cacao has not been heated, is still raw, and contains over 300 components, many of which are helpful to your health.

7. Shitake mushrooms

Shiitake mushrooms contain the polysaccharide lentinan, which particularly fights the kind of bacteria that causes gum disease. Furthermore, these mushrooms have significant anti-inflammatory properties.

8. Green tea

According to studies, the antioxidants in green tea might help reduce bodily inflammation. Green tea contains antioxidants known as catechins, which help gums combat inflammation caused by dental bacteria. One cup of green tea every day might provide your gums with the healthy boost they require to fight back.
